Moral Support
Good evening! I know it's been a while, a little over 3 months to be exact. I haven't been writing. Not because I haven't had anything to write about but because I am going through something. When I say going through something I mean that is a good way. My something may either lead my success or confirm the doubts of failing others that I feel deep within.People will either love you or they will love to hate you. This, my reluctance isn't about those people. It is a direct effect of me not wanting to let down the ones that truly believe in me. It's hard for me to acknowledge at times but today I am admitting it to myself. Admitting it to my readers, I am afraid to take that leap. Step out of my comfort zone. Afraid to go full cocoon phase and emerge a beautiful black butterfly. I've always believed in myself and my ability to accomplish what-so-ever I put my mind to. Why am I choosing to make a mockery of my FAITH? I've decided to do what I always do:
pray ✓
write it down ✓
create a plan ✓
establish a deadline ✓
stick to it ✓
Does that mean the following questions will immediately remove themselves from my mind?
Why is it so easy for me to encourage others?
Why must encouraging myself seem so easy but begin so difficulty?
No, what it means is if I follow through in a few months from now those questions will have a humorous spin.
"Queen, God is within you, you will not fail."