Ya Heard

There is no help guide, refresher course or C.E modules for mothering. You give birth, honor, support, respect, guide and love your prince(s) or princess (es) until they learn to navigate life for themselves. It's never easy... the most dreaded times I think are the terrible twos, teens and first heartbreaks. Life is a never-ending rollercoaster of emotions for you both. Just when you think you can not ask another "Why"... don't. Instead listen. Listening is probably one of the most vital peices of mothering/parenting...-life period. I've learned over the years that listening will forge a level of trust that is not easily broken. Once your child realizes that you are  giving them the opportunity to allow their voice to heard, they will talk more. Trust me. Their lives will become an open book for you! Yes, there will be pages and chapters that you will want to skip.  So the "next time" because there's always a "next time" try asking, "What is it that you are saying that I am not hearing?" Then pause every thing and listen. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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