Welcome Home

Every action and reaction begins with a thought. The sad, cold, hard truth.  The only crime in hurting someone is the clear fact that there was no consideration of how an action would affect them. Senseless. Ruthless. Savage. Reality. I’ve said it before and I will continue to say it until breath leaves my body, “No one is required to love, honor or respect you.” People have choices, just as you do. How many of us would allow strangers to vandalize or home? How many of us would allow strangers to loot the dwelling that we created for solitude and safety. The phrases, “it all starts at home” or “take care of home first.” A ton of truth is held within those simple phrases. It really does start at home. Within. Your body is a temple. It is home. Don’t assign the responsibility of taking care of your home to others. Don’t expect others to do for you what you are not willing to do for yourself. Teach people how to treat you by demonstrating the respect that you have for yourself. Show people how to love you by first loving yourself. Demand that others are loyal to you by acknowledging your flaws –be honest with yourself. Supreme Being; you’ve been in your home forever... maybe it’s time for some rearranging, remodeling or repairing.


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