Mimic Me


I am in no way a relationship expert, nor do I claim to be. However, I am thinker and in every new discovery I'm lead to compare or correlate. While watching an episode of Planet Earth: Life “Challenges of Life” I learned about the majestic courtship of Grebes.  Grebes are freshwater diving birds they have lobed toes instead of webfeet. The most fascinating thing about them is that they renew their partnership. Yes, these birds essentially renew their vows and it is one of the most beautiful things that I have witnessed within nature. While watching their courtship dance; which is simply one mimicking the movements of the other; my heart smiled. How often do we mimic others in our relationships? Despite the potential of the mimicking leading to confusion or discord it occurs. He/she treated me bad so I’m going to mimic them. He/she is acting funny, so I will mimic them. He/she is doing wrong so I will mimic them. Let’s be honest; it’s sad but true. It happens we’ve all witnessed those toxic relationships, either from within or a window. However, I want to talk about those good ones. The relationships that we've adored and admired. The relationships that we possess. One commonality in either the “good” or the “bad” relationships... mimicking. Those couples that seems to have it all still have problems, they still have challenges but at the end of the day they mimic just enough of the good of their partner to move forward into a new day. Nothing is perfect; don't be confused. Yet, I'm crazy enough to believe that both; the quality and quantity of mimicking determine how close to perfect that a relationship could be. Simply -negative mimicking leads to destruction.  Positive mimicking leads to growth. If you ever find yourself asking why?  Answer yourself by examining your behaviors. Are they behaviors/actions/ that you would want your partner to mimic? Are you directly mimicking the behaviors/actions that your partner possesses? Don’t go against the grain. Treat others how you wish to be treated. Stop begging and start demanding…


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