Reservation Confirmed

How many times have you had doubts about something or someone? How many times have you considered going against those doubts only to have them confirmed? Bullet dodged. During my evening routine of removing my make-up with a wipe before cleansing my face, I thought out loud.
“The universe creates doubts but it is God whom confirms them.”
Anyone whom really and truly knows ME knows that one of my favorite sayings is,
“God always sends you a whisper.”
As humans we were given authority over creatures and creations of the Earth. However, that does not mean that we can change our purpose in life. We may alter paths or delay our destiny but we should always remember that doubts (whispers) arise for a reason. Something deep within us pulls at our hearts and minds for a reason. Discernment. That inner voice should always be considered saving grace. The confirmation of that voice by an action well... I like to call that


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