Blessed Are Those That Age

Today is great! Yesterday was great, in fact every day that I awake with a present mind, mobile body a healthy, happy and safe family is great. Our oldest prince, Kris has begun to settle in at his post and he seems confident in his future. Not surprised, they were all raised with the belief that they can accomplish anything. Champion mindsets and spirits. I’ve said it a lot and I’ll continue to express my excitement, pride and adoration for him. At the age of 19 he’s coming into adulthood quite nicely. The other princes are also doing well. I can’t believe how fast they are growing, Torian will be in the 8th grade and Aaron will be going into the 4th.  It's amazing how many people think that I'm their older sister instead of their mother. Black don't crack. Gift and a curse but believe me -I have no issue informing them otherwise. Next month if it is the Lord’s will I will be celebrating my 38th birthday. I’m so excited!!! I used to think that “getting old” was just getting old. However, I’ve grown to learn that age is a precious gift wrapped in wisdom! Each passing year is chocolate ice-cream covered in caramel chips of strength, drizzled with vanilla syrup of accomplishment, sprinkled with pecans of life lessons and marshmallows of laughter. The cherry on top represents  gratefulness that is expressed from being able to share those lessons with everyone that you come in contact with. Life can be tough but aging is sweet, it’s beautiful and it’s a blessing.


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