If Tomorrow Disappeared

In exactly one week I’ll witness his 3rd graduation in under a year. The oldest prince; Kris will be graduating from AIT next Wednesday!!! HOOAH! I am completely full of joy. I don’t think words could ever express my sense of pride. I’m also a little nervous because after this graduation he’ll be given orders to report to his next location. Even though it’s not that far from us, it means that he will be on his own. He’s 19. He’s accomplished what many, including myself, would not even dare. In basic training he was in Alpha Company and had one of the more strict drill sergeants. I’m grateful for it all. Kris is different now. He’s more mature, alert, aware… conscious. I realize now that this was a good decision for him. Next week will also mark the end of the school year for the middle and youngest prince.  The middle prince –Torian will be going to the 8th grade and the youngest prince –Aaron will be going to the 4th.
Time really does fly.
I always knew that I wanted to have children. I vowed to myself that I would not only be a mother but that I would also be a PRESENT mother. It seems as though we blink and our children have gone from infant to toddler, from toddler to teenager, from teenager to adult. I am logical. I acknowledge that I cannot be there for everything but I would never miss out on nurturing and supporting them for anything! I have told my princes on several occasions… “I am an example. If a woman is not willing to care for you more than I have or will not love you more than I do, she is not the one. I did not give birth and make sacrifices to have some woman use, neglect or destroy you or your purpose. I do a lot for you I am your mother, please do not expect another woman to raise you again. A relationship is an opportunity to build a lifelong partnership but if you have yet to find yourself do not attempt to share yourself with someone else.”
I try to be what I want them to see in a potential mate. I am thankful that I’ve been able to witness the growth of my princes with a present mind, body and spirit. I can call, text or go to either prince and say I love you. Time on this Earth is so precious and short. It breaks my heart to hear news stories of children that are missing, abused, killed or found dead. I close my eyes and say, Lord I thank you… not today. Not today because it could have very well been. Tomorrow it could very well be. That is why I choose to love my princes today as if tomorrow may never come.


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