
It’s not that I don’t like people; it’s just that I don’t like all people. I’m the person that will go into a grocery store with my Bluetooth in my ear and talk to myself just to avoid conversing with strangers. Yes, I admit it.  I’m guilty of it. I also admit to holding conversations with random strangers if their inner light reflects outwardly enough. This world -well the people of this world have made it quite difficult to identify  genuineness within others. Everyone wants to be someone else’s definition of beauty, masculinity or femininity. It’s rare to find those that wish to replicate strength, intelligence, power, humility or encouragement. Lately it’s seems that the brand of shoes on a woman’s feet are more important than the journey that she has walked. The brand of handbag that she holds is more important that the self-worth and esteem that she carries. Maybe I’m over thinking everything or maybe it’s possible that others think too little. When did the basics become minimal? When did the extreme become the norm? Simplicity has fallen and extravagance has risen but why? Those that can afford rarely advertise. Those that can’t afford overly advertise. At the end of this life’s journey none of it matters. None of it adds up. It’s not that I don’t like people. It’s just that I like people of and with substance… those relatable to ME.  


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