True Love Never Changes

One of  the best  pictures that I have ever taken... my flip flops followed by the princes. This picture is 5 years old and was taken at Mashes Sands In Panacea, Florida.

I close my eyes and imagine my favorite place, the beach. My skin becomes one with the sun beams. The sand on my bare feet -a gritty massage from nature. Ocean waves swelling and crashing a slight salt misted breeze and the joyful cries of seagulls. There’s no other place that I’d rather be. My love for the beach began during my first trip to any beach. I was in my early 20’s, it was our first trip as a couple and our first trip with Kristopher. Tommie had everything planned all we had to do was pack. It was so beautiful and I still remember how Kris’ eyes lit up seeing all of that water. This was much different from the water we normally saw in the country. Ponds, lakes and rivers but this water was never ending. We walked the shore and collected shells. We listened to the waves at night from the balcony and watched the reflection of the moon trickle over the dark mass of water. Water calms me instantly. If I’ve had a stressful day or week, riding to the water will cure it. We are fortunate to live so close to the gulf. We've watched our princes capture hermit and blue crabs, build sand castles and catch various saltwater creatures as they fished. Tommie and I have witnessed some of the most beautiful sunsets while being enveloped in peace during an evening breeze.  It’s not just a summer thing, we go year-round… we’re in Florida. Despite the temperature changes the resulting cleansing effect that the beach leaves on my soul stays the same.


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