Choose Wisely
Good morning, a day of rest... for whom? For me Sundays are
a day of creation and preparation; I cook, get crafty and iron. Oh, what an
adventurous life I live!! Honestly, my rest days are very few and far
between and I'm not sure if I would rather have it any other way. I
like occupying my mind and time it is what keeps
me ALIVE. Besides, my choosing to stay busy makes me appreciate
my breaks soooo much more when they occur.
The other day one of my princes (yes, I refer to
my sons as princes) asked, "Mom would you rather be deaf or
blind?" I chose blind... how could I possibly survive if I was
to never hear their laughter or music again? His reply to me was,
"but how would you create?" He certainly had a point... how
would I CREATE? I mean I suppose I could still be crafty but I would
never get to see the beauty of what I've created nor would I be a witness to
the surprise reflected in the eyes of those receiving one of my creations.
When given an option we never really consider how our choices
may affect ourselves or those around us. It's typical to make flighty decisions
without considering the domino effect that will surely follow.
Every choice causes a change. The type of change is never
known until time passes... the change could be amazing; then again it
could also be unbearable! Either way it goes we -as well as others will give witness
to our beautiful nightmares! To grow, an initial step has to be taken -my
forever advice is to choose wisely.